Room: DOCK

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Island Adventure Party

I'm finally getting up to date, heres the Island party, what It looked like! Enjoy

he Island Adventure Party's here and we're seeing EPIC ship snowball battles, majestic mermaids in the Hidden Lake, and lots of castaways stranded on the Iceberg!

Have you and your buddies started the Scavenger Hunt? Maybe you'll be able to find treasure before Rockhopper arrives - looks like the Migrator's getting closer!

Let us know what adventures you and your friends find.

In other news, we've heard from lots of you EPF Agents saying you really liked your first Field-Op. Your weekly assignments will help protect the island. If you've got any ideas for different operations you'd like to do in the future, the team wants to hear from you!

Talk about adventure - we've seen pirates, squids and mermaids all battling, treasure hunting, and just plain raising a ruckus. It's been great!

Since there's only a few days left for the party, I wanted to let you know some of the things you should check out. Check out my Don't Miss List:

  • Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog. Rockhopper's only here for a short time - so make sure to grab your free Squid Lid!
  • The great Ship Battle room - Members, don't forget to dress up (We've seen some interesting battles. Like the Pirates vs. Kings!)
  • Fireflies in the Forest - Can you get them to light up? (Hint: get more penguins in there!)
  • Snowball-eating plant in the Forest!
  • Scavenger Hunt - and the treasure you dig for!
  • The new entrance to the Hidden Lake - I hear this will be sticking around after the party.
  • Stand at the Iceberg and wait - you might see something unexpected...

There's only a few days left for the party, so round up some friends and get adventuring! And if you've got your own Don't Miss List, let me know about it in the comments.

New HQ

Sorry I'm late about this update, there is a new HQ! It looks awesome, check it out

Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome To My New Blog!

My New Blog!

Hey people! Welcome to my new blog, my old one wasn't really free. Hope this blog will be a big help! Thanks for visiting!! :))

<-- Heres a photo of my sister's penguin :) (Used to be my penguin)
