Room: DOCK


 (Club Penguin Robbers)

Letter to the team:
Welcome to the Club Penguin Robbers!
This will be an awesome army/club. Glad that you joined us, so we won't have to defeat you. This army will become powerful, only with the help of YOU.
So read on the application form, and rock on!

Table of contents

1. Rules
2. Uniform
3. Ranks
4. Meetings and Wars
5. Training and War Tactics
6. Allies, enemies and most wanted

1. Rules

-You must be committed to this army and all of it's tasks.
-You cannot be friends with people on the enemy side (Only one enemy buddy is permitted to each robber)
-Be loyal and respectful to those in upper ranks and/or allies.
-Follow this, and you will be sure to succeed to a successfull general: Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
-This is the CPR.

2. Uniforms

Ok, now that rules are out of the way and done, we get to the fun stuff. The uniforms will determine your rank. They are in order from greatest to least

Black Sweater- Robber's uniform
Black Hero Mask- Robber's secrecy identity
Hocky Stick - Blue tip.

Black Sweater- Robber's uniform
Black Hero's Mask- Robbers secrecy identity
Hocky Stick - Blu tip.

Black Sweater- Robber's uniform
Black Shades- mysterious ID
Hocky Stick - Brown/Wood.

If you do not have any of these items, let me know and I'll change the uniform for you.

__________________________________________________ ________
3. Ranks

As you saw above, there are six general ranks, and three general groups.

High Ranking Group (High Robbers):
Leader: Bigfishes
Co-leader(s): Kuma Pride, Lilliezzz100, CupCake5341, Muffin5341
Generals -

Medium Ranking Group (Skilled Robbers):
Captains: Geminisgirl, Hot Cocoa 4u, Pinkertiara, Pingu4lyf, Waddle3003. 
Commanders: Dora64185, Blackp2, Ms Whatever2, Shadow35739, SnnappySongebob102, Tyron9090

Low Ranking Group (Trainee Robbers):
Officers: No-One Atm.
Soilders: Trumpet456, X Technology, Sasha Coolin, Jillibean7, Jesterzx8, Hello66846, Caps6
Keep note that being a high rank doesn't always mean that you are better than someone. Please don't taunt.
Don't beg for a rank. You all start out as Trainee Robbers, unless you have some experice like being in a club (Please specify which club).

4. Meetings and Wars

We fight in wars like other armies, but we do some side work too. We are skilled robbers, and the more money we steal, the better out HQ looks, and the better WE look.
We have stolen: $406,000,000,000,827,000,000,000,000,000,504,005,3 30,401,994
so far

Wars are just like any other fight, if you have been in an army. See Training and Tactics for more info on wars.

We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (Sometimes weekend meetings). I will post if I cannot make it, because I am very buisy with schoolwork, part time jobs, hanging out with friends, and tons of other things. During the summer I will be on more.

See Training and Tactics for more info about Robberies.

5. Training and War Tactics

War Tactics:
Pretty simple. Fire at the enemy 'till they surrender, and follow my orders or these symbols:
: We win
: Hold Fire

Robbery Tactics:
Simple also. I will have a planned robbery set, and undercover guards will check out the scene first. Then, we will rush in, say: This is a robbery! and search for the money, and defeat enemies. We can also grab a few wallets.
6. Allies, Enemies and Most Wanted


The Agents