Room: DOCK

Friday, January 28, 2011

Finally On Youtube (:

Haaaaaay people I am finally on Youtube :)
Here is the link:
Please sub & add (::
It sucks soo far, but It'll get better (: As soon as I start uploading more pics.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brown Puffle Artist

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Since so many of you are asking questions about the brown puffle, I thought I'd talk to an artist to help get you some answers!


Here's the scoop:

Q. Tell me some cool facts about the brown puffle!
A: Well, I'm sure you've noticed brown puffles love to invent stuff. Their inventions don't always
work too well, but that doesn't stop them.
Brown puffles are very smart and focused, and like to observe the world around them. They're always looking for new ideas.

Q. I like the brown puffle's goggles. Why do they wear them?
A: It's always 'safety first' with brown puffles. They even wear goggles when they eat and sleep!

Q. Do brown puffles have anything to do with Protobot?
A: Hmm... I'm not sure. Brown puffles do like machines...

Q. My brown puffle ran away! How do I adopt another one?
A: Sorry to hear that! In February you'll be able to adopt another brown puffle in the Pet Shop. We just need enough of them to follow us out of the wild.

Sweet! Hope that answers some of your questions. Let us know what else you want to know about the brown puffle in the comments!

Oh, and speaking of Protobot, I've heard that agents are needed at the Command Room today...

Until then... Waddle on!

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

Yesterday we mentioned you can get a free Brown Puffle House on the Expedition. Looks like Scoobyzyx has been to the Brown Puffle Cave already: 

Speaking of brown puffles, last week we asked what experiments you're conducting with your brown puffle and Mumble01360 said: 

My brown puffle is the new Sir Isaac Newton! He often conducts experiments with any spare nuts and bolts lying around. Mudd will fly his airplane (that he built in under 10 minutes) everywhere around CP. With all of the experimenting he does, he barely has time to sleep! 

Very cool, Mumble01360! This week we want to know - if you wrote a story about puffles, what would it be like? 

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins! 

Until then... Waddle on!

Happy77's Expedition Scavenger Hunt

Greetings Penguins!

The Expedition finishes January 30 and we don't want you to miss anything! 

  • Glade: Did you grab your free Expedition Hat yet?  
  • Wilderness: How many machine parts have you seen? I spotted one that looks just like a red lollipop! 
  • Mysterious notes: How many of these did you find? I found 5! 
  • Cliff: Check out the crazy machine! It's a coffee maker, a music player and a toaster - all in one! Just remember to plug it in. 
  • Shore: How fast can you build the boat? The first time was hard - now I can build it in less than a minute! 
  • Brown Puffle Cave: We found brown puffles!! I've just got mine a Brown Puffle House. Have you picked one up yet? 

Did I miss anything? Tell us what you and your friends have discovered on the Expedition! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Follow Us On FACEBOOK!

Click Here, to go to the Facebook Page!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Club Penguin - Money Maker & Blizzard Trainer

 Club Penguin Money Maker & Trainer - 2O11

Club Penguin Money Maker 

Heeey people! This is the NEW Club Penguin Trainer and Money Maker! Easy to use and virus FREE! Find more info on the download page.
To go to the download page, click here
Thanks for choosing CLUB PENGUIN CHEATS - BY MUFFIN5341 ♥

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You Decide A Pin for the Stage

Hello Penguins!

The Haunting of the Viking Opera is returning to the Stage in February! To celebrate, we want to make a viking pin. 

We need your help to decide what it should look like. Which pin would you like to see? 

<-- Vote in the poll on the sidebar 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reviewed By You - Brown Puffle

Hello Penguins!

Over the years we've heard a lot of rumors about new species of puffles. Those of you who found your way through the trees already know... the brown puffle exists!! 

This new puffle seems to enjoy inventing gadgets and new technology: 

Last week we asked what new technology you think the EPF needs and Maui8 said:

I think it would be cool if we had a pair of glasses to see through walls and caves and big piles of snow, a shirt to make us completely invisible, or maybe a hat that can fly us around. Waddle on CP! 

Very cool, Maui8! This week we want to know - what experiments are you conducting with your brown puffle? 

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins! 

Until then... Waddle on!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Expedition Help

Here is some help for the expedition (: 

 I reckon its pretty creative. I'm gunna keep on searching for new things!!!
Comment bellow on how you think it is!
More pics coming later ♥

Expedition Starts Today!!

Hello Penguins!

There's a lot happening on the island right now... the Wilderness Expedition has started! Head to the Dock to start exploring: 

You might find some tricky puzzles along the way. What have you discovered so far? Let us know in the comments! 

Until then... Waddle on!

Back Into Making Vids (::

Heeeyya people I am back into making CP vids!!!!!!!!!
If only the money maker and trainers worked! Than It could be betta. But sorry just gunna be me talking bout somthings maby will make a song one and all (::
Any suggestions on what kind of vid I should make?? Comment below ♥

Trainers & Money Makers Dont Work!

Microchip closed down his website.
Stupid CLUBPENGUIN! They updated and now its impossable to create trainers and money makers.
I tryed to make a trainer but I found out that they updated so somthing els and they dont use SWFs anymore :(((
I will keep on looking around!
Please post a link if you find a good money maker OR Cp Trainer!

Something REALLY Weird Happend In Aqua Grabber.

Heey everyone!!
Some very strange happend in Aqua Grabber.
I got bored and said I earned 250 coins. Now See whathappend when I wanted to leave the game!

<-- 88888888 coins? LOL I have no idea what I did!
But I'mma lucky!! Teehee :D

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Greeting Penguins!

Wow! There's tons of activity in the Command Room! Agents are all over the new System Defender game! 

Is it just me, or do those purple ring things look like candy? 

I heard you guys wanna know the best way to squash those bugs. So I talked to a game developer to get the scoop. Check it out: 

Q: This game is hard! Do you have any tips? 
A: It IS hard! Listen up. Remember these three 'C's: cannons, corners and colors. Build cannons quickly. Corners make cannons more effective. Use cannons of different colors. Those are the keys to winning. 

Q: How do I beat the bosses? 
A: You'll definitely need some firepower. Purple cannons fire slow, but do LOTS of damage. A couple of those will help you deal with those over-grown bugs! 

Q: Will there be new levels to play? 
A: I suppose that depends on whether anyone else is brave enough to attack the EPF... 

Hope this helps! To those System Defenders out there - leave your best tips in the comments! 

Until then...Waddle on! 

New EPF Classes!!

Hello Penguins!

This message is classified. Important EPF information to follow. 

Good job, Agents! We've seen lots of you protecting the island with System Defender.  

Many Agents have also joined the new Tech Class. Remember - you can trade badges for gear in your phone. Agents earn badges by completing Field-Ops.  

In other news, have you noticed your phone's new communication app? Keep watch for important messages from G! 

Now that Elite Gear has been released for the Tactical, Comm and Tech classes, we want to hear from you. Which EPF Class do you belong to and why? 

Let us know in the comments!

System Deffender

Hello Penguins!

The following urgent message is for Elite Agents only. Everyone else, please remain calm. 


Red alert! Red alert! The island is under attack!  

Agents have been sighted in front of the System Scanner. It's detected a new threat: 

Agents - head to the Command Room to play the brand new game, System Defender! 

The team is really excited about this one - it's a lot different than other games on Club Penguin. Let us know what you think! 

Until then... Waddle on! 

Back n' Posting!

Hey penguins! I just got back from my holiday! It was soooo fun,we saw dolphins which we thought they were sharks hehe. But my dad saved my life when we swam to were we couldnt touch the floor, there were HUGE waves and I just ran out of energy and my dad swam for me :) had soooo much fun! Back n' posting. Got my sisters iPod so I can update more often.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm going on holiday!! :D

Haay people, I am going on back to my holiday now. I went there on Monday but came back because my dad was working.
I am leaving today but will be back either Saturday, or Sunday. So no more Club Penguin updates or anything till I get back.
Talk to yous when I get back (:
Hopefully my views go up more. Please suggest this blog to you'r friends!!! (:
Byeeee-Byeeee!!! xoxo (: ♥

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked what you think is the greatest threat to the island and Alyssajane88 said: 

Most of the problems we solve in the Field Ops are to do with technology. I believe that the robots have something to do with it. Like the recent field op how it wanted to steal parts from the Aqua Grabber. Maybe it wanted to upgrade its self. I say we keep an eye out for anything unusual... 

Hmm... you might be on to something... 

Please note: the rest of this message is for EPF Agents only. 


Good work, Agents - the call for new recruits seems to be working. We've seen lots of you meeting in the Command Room: 

This week we want to know - what new technology do you think the EPF needs to develop next? 

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins! 

Until then... Waddle on! 

EPF Sneak Peek

Hello Penguins!

Please note: this message is classified and should be viewed by EPF Agents only. 

Elite Agents - the island needs your help. 

Check out this top secret image to see what we're up against: 

We have a defense plan - but we need to strengthen our numbers! 

Agents are advised to be on the look out for new recruits. Send the EPF postcard to any penguins you think are up to the challenge.  

What do you think of the top secret image? Let us know in the comments and keep watch for any suspicious activity. 

Until then... Waddle on! 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mountin Expedition Has Started!

The mountain expedition has finally begun. To start climbing, head over to the Ski Village and walk through the new path.
When you first start the expedition, you’ll be at the base of the mountain. From here you can gather supplies along with a new free item: Chilly Trek Hat

The first puzzle that you’ll come across is the icicle one. Here is how you can get through it.

The next puzzle you will encounter involves building a bridge to get to the top of the mountain. Here are the steps to complete it.
1. Hover your mouse over the snow that is above the axe.

2. Use the branch to brush the snow off of the axe.

3. Use the axe to cut down the large log.

4. Throw three snowballs at the icicles above the catapult.

5. You can now cross the bridge!

There is also a secret room that can be entered from this room. To get into it, instead of using the log bridge, use the secret entrance that is at the bottom right of the room.

When you get to the top of the mountain, you will be able to get two more items. You can get the Red Flag and a new background by taking a picture with the camera.

What more do you think is in store for us on this expedition? If you go into the secret room, it looks like there is a pathway that for some reason cannot be accessed yet. Leave a comment telling us what you think might be back there.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whats New In January

Hello Penguins!

Some of you have been wondering what surprises we've got planned for the new year. The team can't wait to show you what's coming up! 

Here's a sneak peek at what we've been working on for January: 


What do you think the pictures are hinting at? Leave us your best guesses in the comments! 

We've got even more top secret stuff planned for the coming months. Let's just say puffle fans won't be disappointed... 

Until then... Waddle on! 

Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked you what you're most looking forward to in the new year and Reeio said: 

im looking forward to what happens to a certain polar bear. I also can't wait for the parties and coins for change i love donating. 
Waddle On CP 

Thanks Reeio! 

Reeio's comment made me think of the time a certain polar bear triggered a huge earthquake. The attack was intense, but the island recovered thanks to your help.  

With that in mind, this week we want to hear from the EPF. 

Agents - what do you think is the greatest threat to peace on the island? 

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10 000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins! 

Until then... Waddle on!

Card-Jitsu Water Update

Hello Penguins!

Some of you told us you were experiencing a lag in Card-Jitsu Water. The team has added a new feature to help you out. Now you can change the graphics level to speed up the gameplay. 

Just choose your graphics setting by clicking one of the three circles on the top of your screen. Check it out: 

Let us know if that helps! 

Until then... Waddle on!