Room: DOCK

Friday, April 15, 2011

Club Penguin Cheats| Hints | Tricks | Codes | By Muffin5341: Money Maker

Club Penguin Cheats| Hints | Tricks | Codes | By Muffin5341: Money Maker: "Club Penguin Money Maker - 2O11 Our Club Penguin Money Maker works for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows ..."

Screenhog on Puffle History: Part 2

Hi everyone! Screenhog here, with part two of puffle origins. This time, let's talk about the purple, red, and yellow puffles. 

In 2006, the purple puffle was the fifth puffle type to be discovered. The first penguin known to have a purple puffle was Aunt Arctic, but one day, she lost it. She turned to the Penguin Secret Agency for help, and the purple puffle was found. Soon after, other purple puffles populated the Pet Shop. (Say that three times fast.)

The red puffle came soon after, and was brought by Rockhopper as a special Christmas gift. Red puffles are native to Rockhopper Island, and only arrived on Club Penguin after hitching a ride on Rockhopper's ship!


The next puffle was the yellow puffle in November 2007. Yellow puffles, who love anything artistic, kept themselves hidden for years. But when penguins started to build a Stage, they were too curious to stay away any longer. 

That's all for now! Next time, it's the stories of the last three puffle colors!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt Cancelled? _Comments

I have been looking around to find if this is true or not. Very interesting opinions. Some people are saying they are starting the hate CP and ready to quit.

                                 CLICK TO ENLARGE!!!

Looks like people are getting really upset about this.
Is it a lie? Or is it true? Could CP be turning into one of those 'religous' things were we cant do any holidays? (NO OFFENCE!!!!!!)
Hello Penguins! 

A little over a week ago, a major earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, causing massive damage. For those of you affected by this disaster, know that everyone in Club Penguin is thinking of you and your family during this time. 


Since last week, we've received a lot of inspiring comments and great suggestions from you about different disasters around the world. Many of you have asked about ways to help others when tragedies happen. 

Over the next week, we'll be featuring a few blog posts dedicated to helping your community in times of need. And we'd like you to be involved! 

We've already seen a bunch of your pictures, screenshots and videos dedicated to Japan. We'd like to feature some of your pictures on Club Penguin to show our support! Send your images to us here. We'll publish some of them in different places around Club Penguin in the next few weeks. 

Stay tuned for more Global Citizenship posts later this week! 
"My heart goes to all who have died, lost familys and homes in the tradegy. Love Muffin5341" ♥


So Club Penguin has been canceling TRADITIONAL Club Penguin parties suddenly. First they change the name of the Christmas Party to Holiday Party. Then the cancelled the St. Patrick’s Day Party, now the Easter Party!

These parties are Club Penguin traditions and SHOULD NOT be cancelled. Instead they make more member events.
Obvesly money means more to them than their credability :/
Apparently people are 'complaining' about Club Penguin doing Christmas, and Easter, and all those things because its not their 'religion'...
I mean I'm not saying anything to offend any of yous who are religious in someway, but its a WORLD WIDE game! If you dont like it, than dont log in on that day!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

St Patricks Day!

St. Patty's Day Party is here! As usual, the graphics are a-m-a-z-i-n-g! I especially like the Wishing Well at the Ski Village and the Magic Pot at the Leprechaun House. Take a look!

Click the Magic Pot to release a rainbow schweeeet! The Wishing Well, umm, I guess you can get a coin from the Pot of Gold nearby :D

In Club Penguin, Gold at the End of the Rainbow aint a myth!

Newest Pin "Lucky Coin" at the Mountain

You can find the end of the rainbow, the pot of gold, as well as, the newest PIN at the mountain! :D
Free Party Item "Shamrock Hat" for EVERYONE
at the Coffee Shop

Argh! Here's another STAB to all the really old and rare Penguins. Rare items are being ANNIHILATED!!! CP calls it EQUALITY, I call it INDESCRIBABLY UNFAIR!!! marah

Free Party Item "Accordion" for Members Only
at the Leprechaun House in the Forest

I reserve my comment about "For Members Only" for another post... You can find the Accordion in the "Members Only Can Enter" Leprechaun House. It's in the forest.

Here are the rest of the rooms, decorated for St. Patty's Day. CP never fails when in comes to graphics.
These Pics are Untagged so You may Copy and Use Them
Any Way You Like. No Need to Ask Permission :D
(Click Image for Larger View)

Come to think of it, they never fail to disappoint the RARE PENGUINS either. fikir

My penguin isn't rare but I feel for the old ones. It seems like CP (Disney? maybe both) is slowly killing the rare penguins one-by-one.

Reviewed by you; Animals

Hello Penguins! 

In last week's Reviewed by You, we asked what your favorite room was at the April Fool's Party. Many of you said that you liked the Stair Dimension. Here's why Arctic293 liked that room best:

Hmm... that's a tough one. Well, I'd have to say the Stair Dimension, because it is fun and my penguin gets to walk upside down and dance upside down as well!! waddle on cp!!

Waddle on, Arctic293! Thanks for your comments!

This week we'd like to talk about animals. During the upcoming Earth Day Party, we'll be celebrating animals and their natural habitats. We want to help protect the environment and endangered animals like the Snow Leopard. 

So we want to know... What is your favorite animal, and what do you like best about it?

Whats new in April & May!

Hello Penguins!

The April Fool's Party is over for another year. We're glad to hear that so many of you liked it! Here's a sneak peek at the next party the team is working on --- the Earth Day Party!

Plus here are some things to watch out for in the next few months: 

  • Earth Day Party with two brand new animal costumes!
  • New stamps for games!
  • An epic new Medieval Quest for members... 
  • More new interactions for puffles... stay tuned for more info here on the blog!
  • (Shhh... this one's for secret agents only...) Some brand new Elite Gear... and something new with a certain polar bear named Herbert...
  • And more...

What are you looking forward to most? Send us a comment and let us know what you think!

Until then... Waddle On!