Room: DOCK

Friday, February 25, 2011

Puffles Want More, !!

From what I've observed at this party, puffles want to do more with their owners. These critters really want to express themselves!
If we want to help out pets tell us how they feel, we should try making some changes. So let's start with the Pet Shop!

"My orange puffle seems more excited than usual." Said one designer. "She's so happy she's chewing everything."

As for me, Muffin, my black puffle is definately more enthusuastic. He actrully SMILED today. Thats unbelieveable!!
The Pet Shop is the puffles' main turf, lets try doing some updates and see If the puffles respond.
All construction workers and designers please head over to te Pet Shop on March 1 to help out!

Thank You!! (:

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