Room: DOCK

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainbow Puffle Coming To CP? - 2012

I have heard that penguins have been spotting the 'Rainbow Puffle' at the NightClub.
I'm not so sure If It is true, but I have seen a picture that has leaked from the CP Moderator's.
Here is the photo;

What do you think about 'The Rainbow Puffle', ?
Looks pretty sweat haha ;D
Apparently It will be In CP to FIND In 2012-2013.
I have sent Billy Bob a email asking about the Rainbow Puffle, I will copy&paste the reply when he has replyed.
Untill than waddle on..!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or any info on the Rainbow Puffle please comment (:

1 comment:

  1. I heard people have been sighting them at the nightclub near the DJ
    I thought I saw it but I just left the room as soon as something colourfull jumped across the Dj.
    Could this be it? :o
