Room: DOCK

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let You'r Hair Down!

One of the islands top makers revealed details from the new Penguin Style catalog coming next week.

"There's a look for everyone, and by that I mean EVERYONE."
"Artists with be able to match a wig with a smock and a paintbrush." She said.
"There's a stylish hat which should provide some seriously creative ideas."

Upcoming Events!

Upcoming events;

Starting March 1 - Pet Shop Contruction; Head over to the Pet Shop to help with the redesign!
March 1 - Pay Day; Paychecks on the way for hard working Tour Guides.
Starting March 11 - New Better Igloos Furniture; Deck out your igloo with ''sweets'' new items.

Puffles Want More, !!

From what I've observed at this party, puffles want to do more with their owners. These critters really want to express themselves!
If we want to help out pets tell us how they feel, we should try making some changes. So let's start with the Pet Shop!

"My orange puffle seems more excited than usual." Said one designer. "She's so happy she's chewing everything."

As for me, Muffin, my black puffle is definately more enthusuastic. He actrully SMILED today. Thats unbelieveable!!
The Pet Shop is the puffles' main turf, lets try doing some updates and see If the puffles respond.
All construction workers and designers please head over to te Pet Shop on March 1 to help out!

Thank You!! (:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Puffle Party!

The Puffle Party 2011 is a party on Club Penguin. It is the third annual Puffle Party since 2009. It was confirmed on a blog post. It was supposed to start on February 18, but started on the 17th. It will end on February 27th.
Much like the Puffle Party 2009 and Puffle Party 2010, each color puffle has its own room dedicated to them, or in other words, their domain. As you can see by the logo, an upcoming puffle will be a hot pink, most likely coming next year. Their domains use music from past parties such as the Pink puffle iceberg uses the penguin games music. Their domains are: 
OrangeBox Dimension
PurpleNight Club
BrownDance Lounge
If you walk your puffle to their domain, you earn the Puffle Party stamp!

Here are some pictures of the Puffle Party -

How much did you enjoy the Puffle Party??

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rainbow Puffle Coming To CP? - 2012

I have heard that penguins have been spotting the 'Rainbow Puffle' at the NightClub.
I'm not so sure If It is true, but I have seen a picture that has leaked from the CP Moderator's.
Here is the photo;

What do you think about 'The Rainbow Puffle', ?
Looks pretty sweat haha ;D
Apparently It will be In CP to FIND In 2012-2013.
I have sent Billy Bob a email asking about the Rainbow Puffle, I will copy&paste the reply when he has replyed.
Untill than waddle on..!

If you have any questions, suggestions, or any info on the Rainbow Puffle please comment (:

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hello Penguins!

Thanks for all your safety tips last week. Here's a great comment from Zoecheer:

My best safety tip would be to never give out personal information about yourself or others. (addresses, numbers, last names, were you are, etc.) That way, you can waddle on and be safe too!

Excellent reminder, Zoecheer. It is very important to be careful with your personal information -- especially on the internet!

Now on to this week's Reviewed by You... I wanted to give you guys an early sneak peek at some new stuff coming after the Puffle Party. The team's planning to add some new items to feed your pets! Check it out:


Of course, we want to hear from you about that first! So...

What do you think of the new food item for puffles? What food items would you like to feed your pet in the future, and why?

Write your review as a comment. We'll publish one (50 - 75 words) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your review is chosen as the featured comment next week, we'll add 10,000 coins to your account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Puffle Party!!

Hello Penguins!

It's almost here... The Puffle Party is coming this weekend!


So what are you looking forward to doing at the party? As always, we want to hear from you, so let us know your big plans in the comments!

In other news... As many of you know, the Brown Puffle will be available in the Pet Shop by Friday! We can't wait to see these new puffles out and about at the party.

Until then... Waddle on!

New Puffle Decorations!

Hello Penguins!

I've seen a lot of great puffle-themed igloos out there! Looks like many of you have found the secret puffle posters in the Better Igloos catalog. Check out Aidan507's igloo:


What do you think of this month's igloo item catalog?

In other news... Some of you may have noticed that there are TWO pins hidden this week. The team is hiding two different puffle pins every two weeks until the end of March!

Next week I'll give you guys a sneak peek at some puffle features coming out in March. Stay tuned for that!

Until then... Waddle on and have a great weekend!


Hello Penguins!

It's time for another Reviewed by You post! Last week, we asked what puffle color you would be and why. Many of you said that you'd be a rainbow puffle because you were a mix of all the colors.

Here's a good one from Alex123:

I would want to be an undiscovered rainbow puffle because it is a mix of all of the puffles and because it is undiscovered!!! waddle on CP!!!

Thanks for all your great comments, everyone! The team really enjoyed reading all your different choices.

blog_110208.gifThis week we wanted to ask you something a little different. In celebration of Safer Internet Day today, we'd like to hear what you're doing to help keep the island a safe place for all penguins. Do you help give tours, protect the island as a secret agent, or report players who break the rules? Let us know your best safety tip in the comments!

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

Friday, February 4, 2011

New iteams in gift shop! :D

Hello Penguins!

We received a lot of great comments on yesterday's Reviewed by You question. Sounds like lots of you really like the brown puffle!

Speaking of brown puffles, we've seen a lot of you wearing the new brown puffle t-shirt over at the Gift Shop. Glad to see you supporting your pets! If you haven't already, be sure to check out the new catalog and let us know what you think.


What's your favorite item in the catalog?

In other news... The team has some big plans for puffles after the Puffle Party. We'll have more info for you on the blog over the next month, so stay tuned!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reviewed by You: Puffle Stories!

Hello Penguins!

Last week we asked if you wrote a story about puffles, what would it be like? You all had some amazing ideas. I especially loved Gwen78's story:

"If I wrote a story about puffles, it would be about their "history". Puffles used to live in a place called Puffle Island. It was the perfect home for puffles. How did they wind up in Club Penguin? Well, it all started when a Blue Puffle was a bit lonely. It was tired of playing with his puffle friends. He wanted to go out and explore the world! So a group of blue puffles journeyed across the sea and came across Club Penguin! Oh, how happy they were! One puffle went back to tell the others. Soon, the red puffles came. They even met Rockhopper on the way, and took one with him! All the others came too. Yellow puffles needed more space to create beautiful art. Purple puffles wanted to dance with other people and with music! The pink puffles needed equipment for exercising. The black puffles didn't want to be left out! The orange puffles were too late because they took too many naps on the way! The brown puffle was working on an invention! Soon, Club Penguin was their home. But thousands of others are still on Puffle Island. Who knows? They might be waiting for the right owner to come by! Maybe it's you . . ."
rby_20110202.jpgThanks for all your creative comments! This week we want to know - if you were a puffle, which one would you be... and why?

Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Until then... Waddle on!

Sneak Peek: February!

Hello Penguins!

Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's post. We love how excited you are to make a difference in the world. Keep it up!

Last month, we showed you some surprises we were working on. We've seen a lot of brown puffles walking around the island since then... And there's a lot more coming up for puffles in February and March!

Here's a sneak peek at a few things you'll see soon:


Plus, here are some things to look out for this month:

* The big Puffle Party, starting Feb.18
* Brown puffles for adoption at the Pet Shop
* The return of the Haunting of the Viking Opera at the Stage (with the pin YOU picked!)

We'll have lots more for you in the next few weeks, so stay tuned to the blog for more info.

What are you most looking forward to in February? What do you think the pictures are? As always, we want to hear from you - so leave us a comment!

Until then... Waddle on!

Coins for Change... and Beyond!

Hello Penguins!

In December you gave over 12 billion coins to help kids around the world during Coins For Change. Now we've seen lots of you rallying to raise awareness about the floods in Australia:


Very cool, team! It's awesome to see how passionate you are about helping others and the environment.

Though Coins For Change is finished for 2010, you continue to help change the world - all year round! Did you know that a portion of every Club Penguin membership goes to help children around the world? Thanks for helping change the world with us!

To find out more ways you can make a difference, check out the Global Citizenship section of our website. If there are other ways you'd like to see Club Penguin help change the world, let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle on!